There is a building of 100 floors
-If an egg drops from the Nth floor or above it will break.
-If it’s dropped from any floor below, it will not break.
You’re given 2 eggs.
To find N how many minimum numbers of egg drops you need to make?
What strategy should you adopt to minimize the number egg drops it takes to find the solution?
Do not forget to leave comments if you have any query......
This follows the below logic.
Say, the egg breaks at floor n we try to find out by going (N-1) till the first floor by doing linear search.
Say for example, I throw the egg from 10th floor, and it breaks, I will go to floor 1 to 9 to find out the floor..
Then I would try the same logic for every 10 floors thereby setting a
worst case scenario of 19 chances.. I.e.
To find optimum solution, let’s try this:
If for every n, egg doesn't break, instead of going to next n, go to
N-1, this would save us one drop as we are doing a linear search with
second egg when egg1 breaks…
So the series would look something like this-
N + (N-1) + (N-2) + (N-3) +…+ 1
Now this is a series which is equal to N(N+1)/2
Now since it is given that the egg may or may not break from 100th floor..
We can write it as-
N (N+1) / 2 >= 100
And n=14(approx)
So we should start from 14 then move up N-1 to 13 floor I.e. 27,39…
So the floors from where the drop needs to be done are:
So the answer is 14.
leave the comment if you do not agree with answers?